The AggDraw library provides a python interface on top of the AGG library. The library was originally developed by Fredrik Lundh (effbot), but has since been picked up by various developers. It is currently maintained by the PyTroll developmer group. The official repository can be found on GitHub:
The original documentation by effbot is still available but may be out of date with the current version of the library. Original examples will be migrated as time is available (pull requests welcome).
Aggdraw is available on Linux, OSX, and Windows. It can be installed from PyPI with pip:
pip install aggdraw
Or from conda with the conda-forge channel:
conda install -c conda-forge aggdraw
Python interface to the Anti-Grain Graphics Drawing library
The aggdraw module implements the basic WCK 2D Drawing Interface on top of the AGG library. This library supports anti-aliasing and alpha compositing, but is otherwise fully compatible with the WCK renderer.
>>> # draw cross on top of PIL image
>>> d = aggdraw.Draw(im)
>>> p = aggdraw.Pen("black", 0.5)
>>> d.line((0, 0, 500, 500), p)
>>> d.line((0, 500, 500, 0), p)
>>> d.flush()
>>> # draw cross on internal image memory
>>> d = aggdraw.Draw("RGB", (320, 200), "white")
>>> p = aggdraw.Pen("black", 0.5)
>>> d.line((0, 0, 500, 500), p)
>>> d.line((0, 500, 500, 0), p)
>>> s = d.tostring()
()¶ Creates a brush object.
()¶ Creates a drawing interface object.
Parameters: - image_or_mode (PIL.Image.Image or str) – A PIL Image or a mode string. The following modes are supported: “L”, “RGB”, “RGBA”, “BGR”, “BGRA”.
- size (tuple) – If a mode string was given, this argument gives the image size as a 2-element tuple.
- color – An optional background color specifier. If a mode string was given, this is used to initialize the image memory. If omitted, it defaults to white with full alpha.
>>> d = aggdraw.Draw(im) >>> d = aggdraw.Draw("RGB", (800, 600), "white")
()¶ Create a font object from a truetype font file for use with text and textsize.
()¶ Path factory (experimental).
()¶ Creates a Pen object.
Parameters: - color (tuple or str or int) – Pen color. This can be a color tuple (R, G, B) or (R, G, B, A), a CSS-style color name, or a color integer (0xaarrggbb).
- width (int, optional) – Pen width. Default 1.
- opacity (int, optional) – Pen opacity. Default 255.
- linejoin (int, optional) – Type of line_join. Types are 0=miter_join 1=miter_join_revert; 2=round_join; 3=bevel_join; 4=miter_join_round. Default 0 (miter join).
- linecap (int, optional) – Type of linecap. Types are 0=butt_cap; 1=square_cap; 2=round_cap. Default 1 (butt cap).
- miterlimit (float, optional) – Type of miterlimit. Default 4.0.
()¶ Create a Symbol object for use with
.Parameters: path (str) – An SVG-style path descriptor. The following operators are supported: M (move), L (line), H (horizontal line), V (vertical line), C (cubic bezier), S (smooth cubic bezier), Q (quadratic bezier), T (smooth quadratic bezier), and Z (close path). Use lower-case operators for relative coordinates, upper-case for absolute coordinates.